The Shocking Truth About Your Mindset and Trauma
Recently, my LinkedIn newsletter about trauma elicited this comment.
"I have a neighbour who nearly died following heart surgery. She can walk, and she is ok. However, she has some areas that she has never fully regained. I know that if she was open to therapy, there is a possibility her walking would get better. I know she is trapped in trauma. But she is stuck in the mindset that people like her don't need 'therapy'. It's so unfortunate that, as a nation, we are so hung up on not getting help for physical issues through the mind."
The Reality of Trauma
There are two points I need to raise here.
Firstly, working with clients and my own experience. I am aware physical pain, illness, or disease is due to unresolved trauma.
Depending on how long you ignore your body's warning signs, which generally start with either pain or feeling under the weather, the more it progresses to a serious threat to your overall well-being.
Even flu or painful joints are warning signs that the body is seeking your attention. Whether your body is forcing you to rest or indicating an unresolved emotional matter, it needs your help to resolve it.
The Subconscious
The Body’s Memory
When we feel unsafe or perceive a potential threat, whether imaginary or real, our fight-or-flight defence is triggered. Once that threat has eased, our subconscious stores the incident in a body part or multiple body organs as much as our minds.
However, unlike animals, we are unable to release the impact trauma has on us.
Healing through loving self!
So, over time, like a bath that is filling up and will overflow if we don't run the taps off. Our bodies become overloaded, yet we don't know until we have a nervous breakdown or are diagnosed with cancer, heart problems or an autoimmune disease that it is overwhelmed.
The neighbour could have avoided heart surgery if only she had considered 'therapy'. However, I call it loving self!
When you love yourself, you choose to improve your life with help by releasing your underlying emotional responses in mind and body.
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What is Therapy - Helping Yourself
Lifestyle Contribution and Survival Mentality
The second relevant point is the neighbour's attitude to 'therapy', which is a programmed belief; in caveman times, seeking ways to manage pain and ill health was considered vital as it affected the tribe. It was not seen as a weakness but as crucial for their survival. Admittedly, a heart operation would not have been possible. However, the heart would have shown symptoms long before it reached the stage of needing the operation. There is a huge possibility that the disease would not have occurred because lifestyles were different. Natural remedies would aid her overall well-being/recovery.
If she is willing to love herself, she can release the trauma from the shock of the operation, and the original reason for her heart being unhealthy will change her life for the better.
When you hand responsibility over to someone else, you miss the essential messages your body is seeking to communicate with you. It will always attempt to get you to listen before it takes drastic action.
Being responsible includes investigating what trauma you are storing in your body that potentially can harm your health. Please don't leave it until you are facing a life-threatening situation.
If you have any health concerns, please seek medical help and holistic/alternative help and support. They complement each other.
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