Are you frustrated and confused - questioning why you struggle with achieving your dreams? In a world of constant change that challenges your peace of mind, it’s time to pause and find your inner peace to create your dreams.
My programmes
Becoming YOU→
Are you ready to ditch the self-sabotage and take back control?
Being YOU→
Business women, entrepreneurs and leaders do you want to live an empowered life?
Business women, entrepreneurs and leaders Be the inspired leader of your future.
From experience, you know feeling stressed, confused, overwhelmed and uncertain will only cause more problems in your life.
Unless you take action to find your inner peace, you will become more anxious about your future, facing increasing uncertainty as you work harder to keep up with everything.
Let me guess, you are...
Highly stressed and ignoring your needs
Hoping to turn things around
Struggling to achieve your dreams
Don't worry!
You are in the right place if you want to…
Feel calm, confident and assured
Take real care of yourself
Stay focused and determined
Life challenges you so much, even more so when you keep getting in your own way of success.
It feels like all your hard work and effort are being wasted. Sensing within you a need to heal your deepest wounds. You can't explain the feeling, but it lingers, ever present in your life, despite reading books and seeking professional help. You are conscious of how you keep blocking yourself.
You have come to terms with the fact that life will never be perfect, but why do you find yourself trapped in the same patterns from past relationships?
real life
I’ve helped women just like you to transform their lives.
Imagine being informed by your mother when you were young that she attempted to abort you. The impact on Sue, not her real name, was huge - mind-blowing, actually. As she shared, during a healing session, it confirmed what she had felt from a baby: she wasn't wanted. Causing her to expect everyone, especially her boyfriends, to reject her. Leading her to end her relationships with boyfriends before they could. Although her boyfriends were happy, she could not understand why she wasn't. It had nothing to do with the relationship but everything to do with her beliefs and programmed behaviours. Sue; felt unloved, unsafe, not good enough, rejected and abandoned. And while Sue’s trauma may be extreme, we do not know what is lurking hidden deep within our energetic memories that can be affecting us.
Clients are the lifeblood of a business; without clients, you have a hobby. A business starts to be a business if you have a few clients, but consistent clients make it a business.
Yet Margaret, not her real name, unintentionally procrastinated, adding to her stress and affecting her health. The procrastination resulted in Margaret failing to follow up with potential clients or deal with the admin on time. She was worried about her finances and health, which worsened the more she worried about achieving her monthly goals.
Exploring the reasons behind her procrastination led Margaret to realise how her mother and grandmother's high standards were causing her to consider she wasn’t good enough. Worse still, she had beliefs about making money, as there had always been conflict about money. Therefore, money was painful, so she was reluctant to take action to increase her clients, as it would be an emotional headache for her.
With the newfound knowledge and working to free herself of negative beliefs and energy, Margaret improved her financial stability. A winning situation for her to employ a VA to delegate the work she doesn’t enjoy.
Maria, not the real name, had experienced a physically and emotionally abusive relationship with her mother. When she finally escaped her mother, she chose to marry an abusive man, leaving after the birth of 3 children. Finally realising she wouldn’t “save” him, her children’s lives were more important. Once she was free, she booked the intensive programme. While working to heal herself, it became obvious that even though she had left him, he still affected her new relationship, as she responded similarly to her new partner, a lovely gentle man.
Releasing her ex’s energy by forgiving and letting go of the past, she immediately improved her relationship with her new partner. Moreover, the same improvement occurred the next time she met her mother. Her mother’s confused behaviour showed that she was picking up on her daughter's energy, which had altered. Demonstrating the effectiveness of empowering yourself at the soul level.
Is it time to break free from the self-sabotaging habits and behaviours hidden deep within your childhood or before?
What is it costing you daily regarding your health, wealth, and happiness?
How much money are you leaving on the table in your business or career?
Do you speak of what you want and need?
Are you sacrificing your health to please others?
Ask yourself if you love, trust, and honour yourself for being you. Can you answer categorically yes? If you can’t, you can expect to continue sabotaging your life.
There is no sugar-coated pill that will solve your problems. Facing the truth is sometimes painful, but when you do, your world changes.
You want to transform your life to achieve the success and fulfilment you rightly deserve. But to unleash your potential, you must empower yourself to break free from the negative habits and mindset cycle.
You can seek professional help from therapists, coaches, or counsellors. Alternatively, you can connect with your Inner Child to unearth and release the traumas of childhood, family, ancestral, past lives, culture, and soul.
Your Inner Child has always been in your life, ready and willing to love and guide you to manifest your dreams. With your Inner Child aiding you in healing your past, there is no need to relive your trauma. You can be Yourself — free to determine your life without constraints.
Fees start at £3,000. (Payment options available).
With me, you’ll move from procrastinating and sabotaging to purposefully manifesting your dreams as rapidly as possible.
Artwork by Suzanne Wiechert
Becoming YOU
4 Week Intensive Clearing Programme. During our time together, you will discover who you are, hidden beneath the many layers of your life experiences, trauma, family history, and past lives. Review, reflect, release, and re-energise your body, mind and soul with new, lighter energy.
Empower yourself to be the leader of your life. Free of the fear, behaviours and habits that have held you back.
Experience the power of self-manifestation as you learn to navigate your path calmly and confidently, guided by a newfound clarity and purpose.
Rest assured, you are never alone on this journey. Support extends beyond the agreed sessions, with contact available via email, text, or WhatsApp within certain time restraints when you need guidance or a listening ear.
Starting at: £3000
Being YOU
3 Month Clearing and Manifesting Programme. This 3-month programme involves a period of intensive clearing as outlined in the 1-month intensive.
Create your life and business plan through a guided process that allows you to access your true essence to create the life you dream of, not one that is influenced by external factors. - This ensures you connect and create from your heart to be in flow.
With the clarity of your life and business plan, we work together to manifest your desires on a consistent basis.
You will receive mentoring for your business and life vision and plan to remain focused and on purpose.
Rest assured, you are never alone on this journey. Support extends beyond the agreed sessions, with contact available via email, text, or WhatsApp within certain time restraints when you need guidance or a listening ear.
A Tarot or Oracle reading at the start and end of the programme
A recording of the Inner Child Meditation
A beautiful Journal Notebook to record your journey to Being YOU!
Starting at: £5000
6 Month Clearing and Manifestation Programme.
This 6-month programme includes:
Becoming YOU
Being YOU
Connect to your heart. Empower yourself to have clarity and certainty about your life and business, and create an actionable plan to take you into your future.
Working together; you will become proficient at hearing, seeing, and sensing your inner guidance and be proactive in fulfilling your life and business vision and plan.
You will receive practical and spiritual mentoring.
Rest assured, you are never alone on this journey. Support extends beyond the agreed sessions, with contact available via email, text, or WhatsApp within certain time restraints when you need guidance or a listening ear.
Copy of How To Be Imperfectly Perfect; A Practical Spiritual Guide To Become YOU!
Tarot or Oracle readings during the 6 months
Judith Orloff - The Power of Surrender cards
Recording of the Inner Child Meditation
A beautiful Journal Notebook to record your journey to Be YOU!
Starting at: £7500
Book a CALL
Book a complimentary exploratory call with me so we can get to know each other.
How it all Works
Any change can be scary, especially when it means letting go of old habits and behaviours that keep you feeling safe. My promise to you is a safe pair of hands guiding and supporting you to courageously listen to your Inner Child's guidance to let go of what no longer serves you.
We’ll start with an Exploratory Call
Your journey starts with a questionnaire when you book your exploratory call. The questionnaire provides insights into what has brought you to me now.
We’ll arrange your Mentoring Session
Once we agree to work together, we’ll arrange your first session. All programmes are customized to meet your needs so that you can get the most out of our time.
We’ll celebrate as you Become YOU!
You’ve finally made the most profound change you'll ever make - to Become YOU! and embrace the role of the influential leader in your own life.
Frequent Questions
You have been guided here for a reason. Perhaps you are tired of promises that never live up to your expectations. Or maybe you sense you need to go deeper - to explore who you are and what prevents you from living an empowered life.
I typically work with businesswomen, leaders, and entrepreneurs who are eager to expand their businesses, improve their relationships, and naturally achieve new levels of success and satisfaction.
Honestly, how long is a piece of string? A lot depends on what you want to achieve working with me and which programme you choose. But I can say with certainty that once you start this process of profound change, it escalates as your body, mind, and soul (Inner Child) surrender the old and welcome in the new you!
Consider how much time and energy you have wasted over the years sabotaging your life due to old beliefs and behaviours. What price would you be prepared to pay to live your ideal life? Your investment to change your life rapidly and permanently starts at £3,000, a small price to pay to double, triple, or quadruple your income and live happy and healthy. Payment options available.
To book a call with me, you must complete a short questionnaire. This gives me some background information about you and your life. Everything you share with me is confidential. I do not share your personal details or any information you provide.
On our Zoom call, we will discuss why you are seeking my help, what you hope to achieve, how I work, the outcomes you can expect, and the programme options.
Once we agree to work together, we will proceed with the agreed payment, book your first session, and send you all the relevant paperwork to get you started as soon as possible.
I know it works, even if you are a sceptic. However, I will not take you on as a client if, during our initial 30-minute call, I sense the inner child work is not for you. Let’s chat, I promise I will be truthful and not sell to you.
Soul Healing and mentoring are exclusively my responsibility; therefore, I have limited time available. The number of clients I can work with depends on the programme chosen and the predicted support time required by clients between sessions due to my commitment to never leaving clients on their own while working with me.
If we decide to work together, we will book your first session as soon as possible. If I do not have the capacity at any time, you can go on a waiting list.
Hello, I'm Karen
From Surviving to Thriving
I never expected that my nervous breakdown would become my greatest blessing. Despite years of self-improvement, my life changed profoundly as I recovered. I was able to let go of the pain from past relationships, particularly with my family, and this allowed me to get to know myself at the soul level.
Now, after 15 years of working as a Coach, Hypnotherapist, and NLP Practitioner, and with the knowledge and experience I gained during my healing journey, I'm here to guide and support you in creating positive change in your life at a soul level. My intention is to help you break free from the past and become the influential leader of your life.
Together, we can transform your life and help you live your dream.
Be courageous and Be You!
real life
I’ve helped female business owners just like you to change their lives.