Do you love or hate money?

A bit of a controversial subject as I am sure you are already questioning the fact I have said do you love money? When I say love money, it is for the lifestyle it can give you, without harming anyone through greed or deliberate acts which cause others financial loss.

As children we learn that money can be pleasurable or painful.  This is due to how much money there was within your family’s household, how well it is managed and the attitude towards money and wealth of your parents and other influential people in your life.

Unknowingly as a child you will have been picking up on emotions, the words and behaviours of those around you, which have influenced your own thoughts as you will have continually experienced or witnessed a thought pattern or behaviour from your loved ones.

The power of money!

You are continually giving money power over you if you hate or resent money.

In your unconscious mind you have given meaning to what you believe has happened in your life due to money. Things like financial bankruptcy where you or the family lost their home.  The pain can also come from the physical and emotional cost of an alcoholic parent or the divorce of your parents.

On the other hand, money may have given you pleasure but that pleasure was at a price, such as a parent constantly working to ensure you were given what you wanted, meaning you missed out on receiving quality time with your parent.

The problem is you are seeing money as the cause of your pain, when in fact money is simply something society has chosen to use as a means of exchange, rather than sheep or cattle as it used to be.

It is not money’s fault!

Money is an energy, and as such it has a vibrational rate, which means to attract it into your life, you need to vibrate at the same level or above.  How can you when you hate it…? Hate is a low level vibration, one of the lowest there is. It is on par with war or rage.

Whereas love is high energy, so if you love money because it helps you succeed and meet more than your basic needs you will bring more money to you.

However only you can recognise money is not the cause of your pain, but the decisions that your parents choose to make based upon their needs and desires and the money they had available or thought they had to make those decisions. In changing your perception of money, you can begin to enjoy having and keeping money by recognising it  serves you to grow and expand.

As you change or release the beliefs you formed from your childhood and continue to reinforce as an adult you form a better more successful relationship with money. In doing so you will bring more money into your life as you will have changed your vibrational energy.

You will also discover that money does not have the power over you it is your unconscious mind that holds the power.




Karen works with clients to remove the money and self-worth blocks they may have to create a healthy relationship with money and abundance, to empower them to live financially successful lives

To book a exploratory call with Karen to explore the stories you use to prevent you from being financially successful click here.

As a Psychic Karen provides Tarot readings for individuals on matters of the heart, finance, health and for businesses to guide and support them build successful businesses, avoiding pitfalls and expensive mistakes. To book your reading call 07818 096673